FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Scam Alert: Do NOT reply to any texts, calls, or emails asking for your account or personal information. Do NOT click on any links if you do not know the sender. If you've given out any sensitive info, Please contact us immediately.

Contact Us

For your security, please do not include account numbers, social security numbers, or any pin numbers in this e-mail communication to Century Savings & Loan Association.

For personal service, please feel free to contact us at our Main Office: (719) 846-2257.

Hours Of Operations

Main Office:
9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday

Drive Thru:
9am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday
9am to Noon, Saturdays

Closed all Federal and Legal Holidays

Physical Address

Century Savings and Loan Association
233 East Main Street
Trinidad, CO 81082

Mailing Address

Century Savings and Loan Association
PO Box 91
Trinidad, CO 81082


Phone (719) 846-2257
Fax (719) 846-7142